Confessions By Traci Benton
(Janeway is sitting cross-legged on the couch in the ready room, reading the newest report from Tuvok, looking very tired and generally ill, there is a chime from the door and she sighs) J: Come in (Chakotay enters and stands in front of her, she doesn't look up) C: It's 0400 hours J: I am aware of the time thank you commander, is that all? C: You should get some sleep J: I will C: I mean now J: I'm busy C: The doctor will find out J: (she looks up at him) not if you don't tell him C: You look awful J:(she goes back to reading the report) what is it you wanted? C: I wanted and want you to get some sleep; you haven't slept in what is it 3 days? J: (sighs) something like that (Chakotay sits down next to Janeway and looks at what she is reading) C: I can do that for you…please get some sleep J: No, its alright I can do it C: (sighs) Kathryn- I'm worried about you J: (she looks genuinely confused and kind of out of it) Why? C: (tries to take the report off of her but she moves it away) please get some sleep J: I'm not tired, please Chakotay don't go on at me C: I will go on and on at you until you get some sleep J: Please don't…(she goes back to the report) (Chakotay sits looking at her concerned) J: Chakotay? C: Yes? J: Why are you still here? C: (sighs) Go to sleep, I don't want to set the doctor on you but I will, and you know I will J: Go ahead, I don't care; I'll just deactivate him…(she thinks) I don't mean that C: Good (Janeway closes her eyes and rubs her neck sighing) C: You need to sleep J: I know C: (he gets up and holds out his hand for her to take, she doesn't, just looks at her report) Kathryn? J: hmm? C: (he sighs and sits back down touching her arm lightly) What's wrong? J: Nothings wrong C: Something is wrong, you have been avoiding me for days J: No I haven't, I've been busy C: (sighs) right J: (She looks up at him) I'm sorry Chakotay C: For what? (She looks at him for a few seconds; a painful look on her face then turns back to the Pad) C: Kathryn…(he puts a hand on her neck lightly) please…tell me what's wrong J: (She sighs and leans against his shoulder still reading the report) Nothings wrong C: Tell me-please…I want to help (he puts his arm around her shoulder, closes his eyes and kisses her hair lightly) J: (looks away from her report wondering what to do) Chakotay… C: Yes? J: … Nothing C: (brushing her hair with his fingertips) please tell me what's wrong J: (sighs) nothing's wrong C: Yes you keep telling me that, but something is wrong J: (places the PADD on her lap and turns slightly to look at Chakotay giving him a weak smile) I'm fine (she looks far from fine and he strokes her face with the back of his hand) J: (she looks into his eyes) Chakotay…(her voice trails off and she looks away) C: What is it? (He brushes her face with his hand again and she looks back at him) J: I…(she bursts out…) Chakotay-I love you C: (he looks shocked for a second and she goes to get up) J: I'm sorry I… C: (he holds her arm keeping her from moving away from him, she looks at him near to tears, he brushes a stray lock of hair behind her ear and smiles slightly) I love you too Kathryn J: (the tears break free silently and he brushes them away gently) You do? C: (he kisses her slightly on the lips and whispers) I've always loved you Kathryn (She takes Chakotay's hand in hers and strokes it lovingly) C: I love you (he kisses her on the lips and pulls away smiling as fresh tears fall down Janeway's face) what's wrong? J: (laughs gently) Nothing now, everything's perfect C: Except you are shattered J: (she lays against Chakotay and he places his arms around her) Hmm I am actually now you mention it (they both laugh gently and Chakotay resumes stroking her hair) (They stay like this for a few minutes in silence) C: (whispers) Kathryn…Kathryn are you asleep? (No answer) (He kisses her head gently and takes her hand in his, smiling to himself he leans back and sighs happily)