Get out of my Quarters! By Traci Benton
(Chakotay is sitting in his quarters at his desk, sipping a drink and thinking; he jumps when there is a chime at the door) C: Yes? Come in! (Janeway walks in holding a PADD, looking like she's going to hit something pretty soon) J: (Waving the PADD in his face) What is the meaning of this?! C: What? J: You know what C: Oh…that J: Yes that, now just what the hell do you mean? (He looks sheepish) C: Well…you asked me for my opinion J: I wouldn't of if I knew you were going to write this! C: What? You want me to lie? J: Yes…No… C: Well which one? J: No! C: Well then (he takes sips of his drink) J: Well I didn't want you to put that! (She puts the PADD under his nose) look! C: (sarcastically) I know what it says…I wrote it…Remember? J: (also sarcastically) Yes I remember, how could you write that? C: Easily J: (pouts) Really? C: (sipping his drink still, and avoiding her eyes) Yes really J: Well I thought you were my friend C: I am J: Well…then why did you write that? C: You just said you didn't want me to lie! J: Well maybe I did want you to! I'm hardly going to say it! C: So you do want me to lie? J: No! C: Well make up your mind will you! (Kind of shocked by the tone of voice he is using) J: Excuse me? C: Make up your mind, do you want me to be truthful or not? J: Will you shut up! C: (stands up) What is your problem? J: Have you even been listening to me? C: Well I haven't exactly had a choice have I! J: What is wrong with you? C: Nothing! What's wrong with you? J: Nothing, apart from this! (Picks up the PADD again) C: Well if I it really bothers you that much then I'll delete it (he goes to take the PADD but she puts it out of his reach) Well? J: What? C: Do you want me to delete it? J: NO! C: For gods sake Kathryn! J: (gives him an evil look) what? C: (sighs) well when you've decided then tell me, if that's all… J: No that's not all! C: Well then, what else can I do for you? J: Well… (Pause) C: Yes? J: What?! C: (sighs) What else is it you want? J: I don't know… C: In that case (gestures towards the door) J: You are so RUDE do you know that! C: Me rude? What about you J: I am not rude! C: Yeah whatever J: You are so childish! C: I am not childish! J: (sarcastically) Not much! C: (sighs and throws up his hands exasperatedly) Fine OK, I will delete the report, give it here (goes again to take the PADD, she pulls it away) J: No! If that's what you really think! Then keep it like that! I don't care! C: Well you obviously do! J: I don't! C: Yeah right! J: Chakotay just drop it C: FINE! (They stand looking at each other for a few seconds) C: Is that all? J: Yes C: Then are you leaving? J: Do you want me too? C: YES! Haven't I put that across enough yet? J: I'm not leaving C: Get out of my quarters! J: No! You get out! C: What? J: Get out C: I'm not getting out of my own quarters! J: Fine and I am not leaving C: Kathryn! Get out of my quarters! J: Make me! C: Fine! (He grabs her arm) J: Get off me! C: (he does so and sighs) Please get out of my quarters Kathryn, I'm busy J: You don't look busy C: Well I am! Now leave! Before I call security J: I'll put you in the brig C: I'm sure you will-now leave! J: NO! C: You are getting on my nerves J: And you aren't getting on mine? C: Well leave and I we'll both be out of each other's way J: You leave! C: We've been through this! J: Shut Up! C: Will you please leave! J: No! C: Get out of my quarters, now! J: NO! C: Fine! Stay J: Thank you! C: Go away! J: You just told me to stay (He sits down at his desk and puts his hands behind his head) C: Fine then stay J: I will (she sits down opposite Chakotay) …are you annoyed with me Chakotay? C: What do you think? J: No? C: Wrong! J: Then you are? C: YES! Please leave J: NO! (Chakotay jumps up and pulls Janeway up) C: Get out of my quarters now! J: I told you-I am not going! C: Why not? J: Because I want to stay here C: Well I don't want you to! J: That's not nice! C: I'm not in a nice mood J: Yeah I noticed C: Well you're not exactly in a good mood J: You started this! C: ME?! J: YES! C: I did not start this; you're the one who totally over reacted! J: I did not over react! C: You did, are and will J: Oh SHUT UP! C: See! (He steps closer to Janeway) You are totally over reacting! J: Well maybe I want to over react! C: Will you please leave me alone! J: You want me to leave you alone? C: No J: (wasn't expecting this) What? C: I want you to stay J: (looks at him suspiciously) why? C: Don't you want to stay? J: Well yes C: Good, then stay J: I have to go…(she goes to leave) C: (he steps in front of her) No please don't leave J: I have to C: No you don't J: I do C: You were going to stay a minute ago, why'd you change your mind? J: Because (pause) C: Because what? (She looks at every object in the room to avoid his gaze) Well? J: I have to go C: Please don't (he steps as close to her as he can comfortably get) I don't want you to leave, stay for dinner, and we can go through that (points at the stupid pad that started the argument) J: I cant… C: Strawberries and cream for afters… (She grins) J: Well in that case, I can't refuse! (He takes her hand in his and knocks the offensive PADD under the desk, which makes her laugh) C: Sorry about that J: I did over react… C: No you didn't J: I did, I promise never to over react again C: You promise? J: Yes I give you my word (With this he leans forward and kisses her on the lips gently, when he finally dares to look at her she is smiling slightly) C: Well you didn't over react J: I gave you my word… C: You did J: Want to … I mean…I... will you…. C: Gladly… (He kisses her full on the lips) J: You still annoyed with me? C: (laughs) Not in the slightest J: Good…about that report C: Later J: Agreed…(they kiss each other again) <Fade out>